Our spirit and our mission require a particular way of life, a lifestyle to live our consecration to God and do our mission in the Church. Our founder summed it up by saying, "We must be first of all contemplative and then men of action." This means:
To be men of prayer, lovingly attentive to God until contemplation becomes a way of seeing God and the world, and we find ourselves continually seeing "with the eyes of Jesus." We give the first place to contemplation, not only in theory but also in our day-to-day lives. It is impossible to carry out our mission if our ministry does not derive from the abundance of contemplation.
Since the Eucharist prolongs the priestly sacrifice of Christ, our liturgical life is intense and always finds its center in the celebration of the Mass. Fidelity to Eucharistic adoration takes a central place in our religious life.
Called by God to share in the same vocation, we are one family, a communion of brothers, with the same spirit and mission. Therefore, our communities seek to live united by the bond of charity, with the early Christians' one heart and one soul. We share life and work in the community. We are like a family where we all help each other be faithful to God and serve others.
As religious, we follow Jesus Christ, our merciful Priest and Victim. This requires the total surrender of ourselves to God through the profession of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, and obedience. It also requires us to work with Jesus Christ in building the Kingdom of God here today.
“…Purity, Sacrifice and Charity… the virtues we dearly love and the virtues we dearly want to practice.” Fr. Felix of Jesus, MSpS