Father, I pray for my brothers in the community. You know them personally. You know their names, their virtues, and limitations, their strengths, and their weaknesses. You know every aspect of their journeys. You accept them as they are and vivify them with your Spirit.
Lord, you love them not because of their virtues and goodness, but because they are your sons. Teach me to truly love them through the example of Jesus Priest and Victim, not in virtue of their words or works, but in virtue of themselves, discovering in each one, the mystery of your infinite love, especially in those who are weak.
Thank you, Father, for giving me these brothers. Each one of them is a gift to me, a true "sacrament," and an effective sign of the presence of your Son. Grant me the grace to contemplate Jesus in them, and give me the heart to love them to the extreme. I want to be a true "sacrament" to them, full of the loving presence of Jesus. Amen.